Tuesday, August 13, 2013

  This is an awesome product that I wish I had for my two young boys. I can't tell you how many time times I have had to rebuild a Lego model for both of them. My two boys are now four and six years old but are still very rough on their Legos.
 I understand their are a lot of Lego buffs that frown upon gluing Legos but I for one am really tired of my boys' Batmobile falling apart and it ending in tears... Or even worse a fight between the two of them. Hopefully this ends up being something us parents can use. I will be using it. I must say I won't use it on all of their Legos because I'll admit part of the fun is building- tearing apart-and rebuild. I will use it one the ones that they love and want to keep intacked so maybe in twenty years they can say " I remember building this with my dad, or brother, or mom."


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Camping with the family

We had a wonderful family camping trip this summer. There was a few who could not make it this year but I hope next year we can all go including Joey. At least we have some good pictures for those of you who could not join us, We camped in Chula Vista at the KOA. It was great weather and so much fun. Everyone pitched in when it was time to help. We took turns making dinner and cleaning up. Actually the younger girls cleaned up most of the time. It was one of the best camping trip I have had since I was little.

Alex's Birthday party

My little baby turned 3 July 16,2012. We had a great time celebrating his birthday with our family. Alex had a great time with everyone. He received lots of wonder gifts and love from everyone.