Wednesday, May 2, 2012


My almost 5 year old asked me to pick up his toys for him from the back yard. I began to say no you can get them, when he cut me off and said " look mom I do things for you like snuggling when you want. You get my toys for me or else maybe I wont snuggle anymore with you." Of course I was gonna go crazy and yell but then I stopped for a minute and thought, "well... I can not say anything and keep getting to snuggle for as long as he lets me, but on the other hand I can't believe he just figured out how to use snuggling as leverage." So I didn't say anything and guess what I have been getting extra snuggling. So as far as I am concerned it payed off to not get upset and just help pick up his toys. The lesson on bribery will be taught soon. I guess I have a lawyer in the making.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. He's a smart kid oh the things kids come up with. Enjoy the snuggles while it last then he'll be like "no mom dont snuggle in front of my friends". ;)
