I picked a bunch of fresh veggies this week. I planted lots of lettuce and radishes not knowing if it all would grow and now I have so much I have been sending it home with anyone who stops by. I had know idea radishes only take three weeks to grow from seed to ready to pick. I have been eating a lot of salad needless to say. Still waiting on my tomatoes. I looked today and the seven plants that I have growing are loaded with tomatoes. I will probably have a ton of tomatoes all at once. I guess I will be doing a lot of canning. I picked a garlic just to see if it was ready and I think it could have gotten a little bigger. I will try again in a couple of weeks with the others. The watermelon is doing great and the boys can't wait to eat them. They ask everyday if it is time to pick them.
Radishes, Beet, and Garlic |
Lettuce |
Carrots |
Watermelon |
Corn |
Peppers |
Spaghetti Squash |
Sunflower |
Pumpkin |
Tomatoes |
It all looks good !!