Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tree House and Swing Set

     This year for the Boy's birthday we decided to build a swing set and tree house. Well it was actually going to just be a slide and swing play set but once we decided that we wanted to have something that would last we went with a tree house. This way they will have years and years of fun in it instead of growing out of it in just a couple. I didn't know how much work really goes into building a tree house from just or ideas in our head. We didn't have any plans and just kinda went with it. We had to work around the tree. It was a lot of work. Thank God I didn't do any of it!    
     I was a little afraid at the height it ended up being but so far so good. Alex of course has jumped from the fourth step and landed on his face and belly but he just got right up and continued playing. Although He has fallen off the swing several times and gotten hurt. He will just have to learn to do the "Superman" swinging a little better.  We couldn't of done it with out Uncle Joel and those of you who pitched in to help get materials. Thank You!!! 

swing set Uncle Joel and Daddy built
Getting the tree ready for the house
Making the frame

frame built....check
checking out the view 
what we used for the siding

sides almost done
adding the roof
Uncle Joel cutting out the windows
Cutting out more windows
Joey sanding with Uncle Joel
Joey sanding 
Finished tree house!! 

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